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Hattic language †

Alternative names (including historical names and autoglottonyms): Hattian

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PDFVolume 16. Ancient Relict Languages of the Near East
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Main country: Turkey (show on the map)

Area maps from the encyclopedia (in Russian)

Map designer: Yuri Koryakov



Phonemic structure

[A‑1] Number of degrees of vowel height Three [A‑1‑2]
[A‑2] Vowel height degrees Close, mid and open [A‑2‑3]
[A‑3] Degrees of vowel backness Front, central and back [A‑3‑4]
[A‑12] Inventory of obstruents by manner of articulation Plosives, fricatives and affricates [A‑12‑3]
[A‑13] Inventory of obstruents by place of articulation Labial, coronal, dorsal and postuvular [A‑13‑4]
[A‑14] Inventory of labial obstruents by place of articulation Bilabial and labiodental [A‑14‑2]
[A‑19] Inventory of sonorants by manner of articulation Nasal, liquid, vibrant and glide [A‑19‑6]
[A‑20] Inventory of sonorants by place of articulation Labial, coronal and dorsal [A‑20‑14]

Prosodic phenomena

No filled features for this language.


No filled features for this language.

Phonologic structure and phenomena

No filled features for this language.

Morphological type of language

[E‑1] Type of language by type of morpheme combination in a word Agglutinative [E‑1‑1]
[E‑4] Type of language by degree of morpheme cohesion Synthetic with elements of polysynthetism [E‑4‑7]

Nominal classifications

[F‑1] Number of agreement classes No agreement classes [F‑1‑1]


[G‑1] Number in nouns Singular and plural [G‑1‑1]
[G‑2] Single number marking Unmarked [G‑2‑2]

Case meanings

[H‑1] Number of noun cases Three-seven [H‑1‑2]

Verbal categories

No filled features for this language.

Deictic categories

No filled features for this language.

Parts of speech and inflection

No filled features for this language.

Word formation

No filled features for this language.

Simple sentence

[M‑2] Word order fixedness Non-fixed [M‑2‑2]
[M‑3] Dominant word order VSO [M‑3‑3]

Complex sentence

No filled features for this language.

Unfilled features

The encyclopedia contains no information

Feature is not applicable to this language