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Об интерактивном списке языков
Список содержит
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Phonemic structure
Number of degrees of vowel height
Vowel height degrees
Close and mid
Close and open
Close, close-mid, mid and open
Close, close-mid, open-mid and open
Close, mid and open
Close, mid-close, mid-open, and open
Narrow and non-narrow
Opposition in openness/closedness for vowel height degrees
Close and mid
Mid and open
Degrees of vowel backness
Central and back
Front and back
Front and non-front
Front, central and back
Front, front-central, central and back
Front, mixed and back
Front, mixed, advanced back, and back
Front, mixed-front and back
Front, neutral and back
Mixed-front and back
Number of length degrees
No length degrees
Vowel opposition in labialization
No vowel opposition in labialization
Present for all vowels
Present for back vowels
Present for central and back vowels
Present for central vowels
Present for front and back vowels
Present for front and central vowels
Present for front and mixed vowels
Present for front vowels
Present for front, central and back vowels
Present for non-front vowels
Vowel opposition in nasalization
No vowel opposition in nasalization
Present for central and back vowels
Present for front and back vowels
Present for front and central vowels
Present for front and non-front values
Present for front, central and back vowels
Present for neutral and back vowels
Vowel opposition in pharyngealization
No vowel opposition in pharyngealization
Present for central and back vowels
Present for front, central and back vowels
Vowel opposition in ATR
No vowel opposition in ATR
Present for front and back vowels
Diphthongs and triphthongs
Biphonemic clusters with a semivowel or a semiconsonant
Both diphthongs and triphthongs present
Diphtongoids (vowels in monosyllabic words)
No diphthongs and triphthongs
Only diphthongs present
Types of diphthongs
Even and falling (descending)
Falling (descending)
Falling (descending) diphtongs and diphtongs with vocalized consonants (vocoids)
Rising (ascending)
Rising (ascending) and falling (descending)
Inventory of obstruents by laryngeal features
Ejective and preruptive consonants present
Ejective consonants present
Ejectives present
Emphatic and implosive consonants present
Emphatic consonants present
Geminated consonants present
Opposition by aspiration
Opposition by presence and absence of voice
Opposition by strain
Opposition by voice presence/absence and by aspiration
Opposition by voice presence/absence and labialization
Opposition by voice presence/absence and palatalization
Opposition by voice presence/absence and softness
Opposition by voice presence/absence and strain
Opposition by voice presence/absence, ejectives present
Opposition by voice presence/absence, emphatic consonants present
Strong (voiceless), weak (voiced) and geminate consonants present
Strong and weak consonants present
Inventory of obstruents by manner of articulation
Occlusives and affricates
Occlusives and fricatives
Plosives and affricates
Plosives and fricatives
Plosives, fricatives and affricates
Plosives, fricatives, affricates and compound consonants
Plosives, voiced, prenasalized, fricatives and affricates
Inventory of obstruents by place of articulation
Bilabial, coronal, dorsal, guttural, uvular and laringal
Labial, coronal and guttural
Labial, coronal, dorsal and guttural
Labial, coronal, dorsal and postuvular
Labial, coronal, dorsal, guttural and laringal
Labial, coronal, dorsal, guttural and postuvular
Labial, coronal, dorsal, guttural and uvular
Labial, coronal, dorsal, velar-uvular and laringal
Labial, coronal, guttural and postuvular
Labial, dental-alveolar, palatal, velar and labialized velar
Inventory of labial obstruents by place of articulation
Bilabial and labiodental
Only bilabial
Inventory of coronal obstruents by place of articulation
Alveolar and alveopalatal
Alveolar and postalveolar
Alveolar and retroflex
Alveolar, retroflex and alveopalatal
Dental and alveolar
Dental and alveopalatal
Dental and front-palatal
Dental and interdental
Dental and postlaveolar
Dental and retroflex
Dental, alveolar and alveo-palatal
Dental, alveolar and dental-alveolar
Dental, alveolar and palatal
Dental, alveolar and postalveolar
Dental, alveolar and prepalatal
Dental, alveolar, and front-palatal
Dental, alveolar, and retroflex
Dental, interdental and alveolar
Dental, interdental and alveopalatal
Dental, interdental, alveolar, and front-palatal
Dental-alveolar and palatal
Dental-alveolar and postalveolar
Interdental and dental-alveolar
Inventory of guttural obstruents by place of articulation
Guttural and uvular
Prevelar (postpalatal) and velar
Velar and labialized velar
Velar and labiovelar
Velar and uvular
Velar, uvular and labiovelar
Inventory of postuvular obstruents by place of articulation
Both pharyngeal and glottal
Only glottal
Only laryngeal
Only pharyngeal
Additional articulatory oppositions of obstruents
By aspiration
By labialization
By labialization and nasalisation
By labialization and palatalization
By labialization and pharyngealization
By labialization, palatalization and pharyngealization
By length
By nasalization
By nasalization and palatalization
By palatalization
By palatalization and length
By palatalization and pharyngealization
By pharyngealization
Inventory of sonorants by manner of articulation
Approximant, nasal, vibrant and lateral
Nasal and approximant
Nasal and glide
Nasal and liquid
Nasal, liquid and glide
Nasal, liquid and lateral
Nasal, liquid and vibrant
Nasal, liquid, vibrant and glide
Nasal, vibrant and glide
Nasal, vibrant and lateral
Nasal, vibrant, lateral and glide
Nasal, vibrant, lateral and liquid
Occlusive and approximant
Occlusive, approximant and pharyngeal
Inventory of sonorants by place of articulation
Coronal and dorsal
Coronal, dorsal and guttural
Dorsal and guttural
Labial and coronal
Labial, alveolar, front-palatal, and mid-palatal
Labial, coronal (apical and pre-dorsal), and front-palatal
Labial, coronal and dorsal
Labial, coronal and guttural
Labial, coronal, dorsal and guttural
Labial, coronal, dorsal and postuvular
Labial, coronal, dorsal, guttural and postuvular
Labial, coronal, guttural and postuvular
Additional articulatory oppositions of sonorants
By aspiration
By intensity
By labialization
By length
By palatalization
By palatalization and intensity
By palatalization and labialization
By pharyngealization
By vocalization
By vocalization and length
By vocalization and nasalization
By vocalization and palatalization
Inventory of fricatives by place of articulation
Mid and lateral
Prosodic phenomena
Stress character
No stress
Phonological and non-phonological
Stress type
Dynamic and quantitative
Weak dynamic
Stress carrier
Stress fixedness
Movable fixed
Movable flexible
Movable non-fixed
Not fixed
Single-place fixed
Fixed stress carrier
Any syllable of the word
First or second syllable
First syllable of root
First syllable of word
First syllable or antepenult
First syllable or penult
First syllable or ultima
First syllable, penult or ultima
Last syllable of stem
Penult or antepenult
Second syllable
Ultima or penult
Ultima, penult or antepenult
Number of tone levels
More than three
No tones
Contour tone characteristics
Flat and falling
Flat and rising
Flat, rising and falling
Rising and falling
Tone carrier
Syllable or word
Length character
Non-phonological and rhythmic
Phonological and non-phonological
Phonological and rhythmic
Target of vowel harmony
All vowels
Group of affixes
Group of affixes, all vowels
Group of phonemes
No vowel harmony
One vowel or all vowels
Feature of vowel harmony
ATR and nasalization
Backness and height
Backness and roundedness
Height and roundedness
Narrow and broad vowels
Trigger of vowel harmony
Final syllable vowel, or first vowel of word, or stressed syllable of stem
First vowel of affix
First vowel of root
First vowel of word
First vowel of word (root)
First vowel of word or last vowel of stem
Last vowel of stem
Last vowel of word
Stressed vowel
Vowel of flection
Vowel of next syllable
Vowel or diphthong of preceding syllable
Other suprasegmental phenomena
Aspiration and palatalization
Labialization and glottal stop
Palatalization and nasalization
Velarization and palatalization
Types of phonation
Aspirated voice
Slack voice
Slackened voice
Stiff voice
Stiff voice and slack voice
Syllable onset
Both null and non-null onset possible
Most syllables have a non-null onset
Most syllables have a null onset
No null onset
Syllable coda
Both null and non-null ocoda possible
Most syllables have a non-null coda
Most syllables have a null coda
No null coda
Only null coda possible
Phonologic structure and phenomena
Restrictions on the phonemic structure of segment morphemes in the initial position
Limitations on consonant sequences
Limited set of consonants and vowels possible
Limited set of consonants possible
Limited set of consonants possible, no consonant clusters
Limited set of consonants, no consonant clusters
Limited set of vowels
Limited set of vowels and consonants, no consonant clusters or long vowels
No consonant clusters
No restrictions
No vowel clusters
No vowel clusters and no consonant clusters
Only consonants possible
Only vowels possible
Restrictions on the phonemic structure of segment morphemes in the final position
Limitations on consonant sequences
Limited set of consonants possible
Limited set of consonants possible, no consonant clusters
Limited set of consonants possible, no vowel clusters
Limited set of vowels and consonants possible
Limited set of vowels possible
No clusters of more than two consonants
No consonant clusters
No restrictions
No vowel clusters
No vowel clusters and no consonant clusters
Only vowels possible
Characteristics of the syllabic structure of words
Alternation of long and short syllables
Mainly monosyllabic words
Mainly polysyllabic words
Mostly bisyllabic words
Mostly monosyllabic and bisyllabic words
Differences between content and function words
Differences in accentuation
Differences in phonetic structure
Differences in phonetic structure and accentual differences
Differences in phonetic structure and in syllable structure
Differences in phonetic structure, in syllable structure and accentual differences
Differences in syllable structure
Differences in syllable structure and accentual differences
No differences
Differences between native and borrowed words
Differences in accentuation
Differences in phonetic structure
Differences in phonetic structure and in syllable structure
Differences in phonetic structure, and in accentuation
Differences in phonetic structure, in syllable structure and in accentuation
Differences in syllable structure
Differences in syllable structure and accentual differences
No differences
Differences between roots and affixes
Accentual differences
Differences in phonetic structure
Differences in phonetic structure and accentuation
Differences in phonetic structure and in syllable structure
Differences in phonetic structure, in syllable structure and accentuation
Differences in phonetic structure, number of syllables and accentuation
Differences in syllable structure
Differences in syllable structure and accentuation
Differences in tones
No differences
Functional type of alternations
Accompanying and distinctive
No alternations
Type of altenations
Consonant alternations
Consonant and phoneme complex alternations
Consonant and tone alternations
Mixed alternations
Tone alternations
Vowel alternations
Vowel and consonant alternations
Vowel and mixed alternations
Vowel and tone alternations
Vowel, consonant and mixed alternations
Vowel, consonant, and phoneme complex alternations
Vowel, consonant, mixed, and phoneme complex alternations
Morphological type of language
Type of language by type of morpheme combination in a word
Agglutinative with some fusional features
Fusional with some agglutinative features
Fusional type features
Cumulative affixes
Cumulative affixes, internal flection, several declension types
Cumulative affixes, several conjugation types
Cumulative affixes, several conjugation types, phonetically unconditioned stem alternations
Cumulative flections, phonetically unconditioned stem alternations, phonetically unconditioned fusion, several declension types
Internal and external flection
Internal flection
Internal flection and cumulative flections
Internal flection, phonetically unconditioned fusion
Internal flection, several declension types, phonetically unconditioned stem alternations
Phonetically unconditioned fusion
Phonetically unconditioned stem alternations
Phonetically unconditioned stem alternations and cumulative affixes
Agglutinative type features
Low degree of fusion between root and non-root morphemes
No phonetic alternations in morphemes
No phonetic alternations in morphemes, basic form bare stem
No phonetic alternations in morphemes, one flection can only express one meaning
No phonetic alternations in morphemes, one flection can only express one meaning, basic form bare stem
One flection can only express one meaning
One flection can only express one meaning, single inflection/conjugation type, no phonetic alternations in morphemes
One flection can only express one meaning, single inflection/conjugation type, no phonetic alternations in morphemes, basic form bare stem
Type of language by degree of morpheme cohesion
Analytic with elements of synthetism
Synthetic with elements of analytism
Synthetic with elements of polysynthetism
Nominal classifications
Number of agreement classes
No agreement classes
Two or three
Morphological expression of agreement classes
Anlaut mutations
Articles and case and number flections
Articles and nominal and verb flections
Case and number flections
Nominal and verb flections
Nominal flections
Nominal flections and articles
Umlaut and affixes
Verbal affixes
Verbal affixes and adjective affixes
Syntactic expression of agreement classes
Adjectives and verbs
Adjectives, numerals, pronouns, and articles
Adjectives, numerals, pronouns, and participles
Adjectives, numerals, pronouns, and verbs
Adjectives, numerals, pronouns, participles, and articles
Adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, and participles
Adjectives, pronouns, and articles
Adjectives, pronouns, and participles
Adjectives, pronouns, participles, and articles
Adjectives, pronouns, verbs, and participles
Adjectives, verbs, and numerals
Adjectives. Numerals, and pronouns
Pronouns, adjectives, and verbs
Verbs and pronouns
Other means of expressing agreement classes
Numeral classifiers
Attributive agreement in gender
In singular and in plural
In singular, dual, and plural
Only in singular
Agreement of cardinal numerals in gender
Always present
For "one"
For "one", "three", "four"
For "one", "two"
For "one", "two", "three"
For "one", "two", "three", "four"
Nouns classifying categories
Person/non-person and animacy/inanimacy
Person/non-person, animacy/inanimacy, and definiteness/indefiniteness
Opposition by person/non-person
Lexical and morphological
Lexical and syntactic
Lexical, morphological and syntactic
Morphological and syntactic
Expression of animacy/inanimacy
Lexical and morphological
Lexical and syntactic
Lexical, morphological, and syntactic
Morphological and syntactic
Number in nouns
Singular and plural
Singular, dual and plural
Single number marking
Marked and unmarked
Honorific forms in pronouns and verbs
Neutral and polite
Neutral, polite, and impolite
Pluralis majestatis
Agreement in number
No agreement in number
Predicative and attributive
Form of a noun in numeral phrases
Singular and plural
Singular, dual, and plural
Numeral system
Decimal with elements of duodecimal
Decimal with elements of duodecimal and vigesimal
Decimal with elements of quinary
Decimal with elements of vigesimal
Mixed, with elements of quinary, decimal, and vigesimal
Mixed, with elements of quinary, decimal, pentadecimal, and vigesimal
Vigesimal with elements of decimal
Vigesimal with elements of quinary
Case meanings
Number of noun cases
No case
Over twenty
Subject and object marking
Case affixes
Case affixes, verbal agreement, and word order
Case and number flections, subject, direct and indirect object personal pronouns, prepositions, and verbal agreement
Function words
Internal inflection, verbal agreement, and case affixes
Object pronouns
Object pronouns, function words, case affixes, and verbal agreement
Subject and object personal pronouns, prepositions, and verbal agreement
Subject and object personal pronouns, prepositions, and word order
Subject, direct and indirect object personal pronouns, prepositions, verbal agreement, and word order
Subject, direct and indirect object personal pronouns, pronominal reprise, prepositions, verbal agreement, and word order
Subject, direct and indirect object personal pronouns, verbal agreement and word order
Verbal agreement
Verbal agreement and case affixes
Verbal agreement and function words
Verbal agreement, case affixes and function words
Verbal agreement, function words, object pronouns, and verbal pronouns
Case of nominal predicate
Caseless form
Nominative or ergative
Nominative or partitive
Case marking of possessive relations
Genitive or dative
Nominative or genitive
Other means of expressing possessive relations
Apposition and possessive pronouns
Apposition and postpositions
Apposition and prepositions
Apposition, izafat, and possessive particles
Apposition, possessive affixes and prepositions
Apposition, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive affixes
Apposition, pronouns and pronominal enclitics
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Possessive affixes
Possessive affixes and possessive pronouns
Possessive and personal pronouns
Possessive declension
Possessive particles
Possessive particles and reflexive pronouns
Possessive pronominal enclitics and possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns and affixes
Possessive pronouns and articles
Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns and prepositions
Possessive pronouns and verbs of possession
Possessive pronouns and word order
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, and affixes
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, and prepositions
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, and verbs of possession
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, personal pronouns, and prepositions
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, personal pronouns, prepositions, and possessive article
Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives, verbs of possession, and prepositions
Possessive pronouns, prepositions and particles
Reflexive pronoun and genitive forms of personal pronouns
Verbs of possession
Means of expressing spatial relations
Adpositional constructions
Adverbs and prepositional-nominal constructions
Adverbs and pronouns
Adverbs, pronominal adverbs, and prepositions
Adverbs, pronouns, verb prefixes, and prepositions
Affixes, demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions
Demonstrative pronouns, noun affixes, prepositions, postpositions, and adverbs
Demonstrative pronouns, spatial adverbs, and prepositions
Locative cases, prepositions, and pronouns
Locative cases, pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions
Nominal affixes, spatial adverbs, postpositions, and particles
Noun affixes
Noun affixes and adpositions
Noun affixes and postpositions
Noun affixes and prepositions
Noun affixes and spatial adverbs
Noun affixes and verbal affixes
Noun affixes, adverbs of place, and postpositions
Noun affixes, adverbs of place, and prepositions
Noun affixes, preverbs and postpositions
Noun affixes, pronominal adverbs and adpositional constructions
Postpositions and function nouns
Preverbs and adverbs
Pronouns and adverbs
Pronouns and locative cases
Pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions
Pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, and particles
Pronouns, pronominal adverbs, locative cases, adpositions
Pronouns, pronominal adverbs, locative cases, postpositions
Pronouns, pronoun adverbs, adverbs, and prepositions
Pronouns, pronoun adverbs, and prepositions
Spatial adverbs
Spatial adverbs and prepositions
Dependent nouns in possessive constructions
Case marking of animate and inanimate nouns
Secondary cases
Verbal categories
Voice forms expression
Affixes and function words
Auxiliary verb
Auxiliary verb + participle
Auxiliary verb + participle and affixes
Auxiliary verb + participle and pronominal verb form
Auxiliary verb + participle and reflexive pronoun
Auxiliary verb and affixes
Auxiliary verb, affixes and function words
Category of voice is absent
Morphonological alternation and affixes
Voice stacking in the same verb form
Double voice forms
Causative and passive/reciprocal
Passive and causative
Passive and reciprocal
Passive and reflexive
Reflexive and causative/ causative and reciprocal
Reflexive and reciprocal/ reflexive and causative
Voice forms coincidence
Active and reflexive
Middle and passive
Passive and causative
Passive and decausative
Passive and reflexive
Passive, reflexive and reciprocal
Passive, reflexive, middle and reciprocal
Potential and passive
Reflexive and reciprocal
Tense forms
Future; Non-future
Past; Future; Non-future
Past; Future; Non-past
Past; Non-past
Past; Present
Past; Present; Future
Past; Present; Future; Non-past
Past; Present; General
Past; Present; Non-past
Present; Future
Present; Past; Non-past
Aspect and tense expression
Separate and syncretic
Expression of tense categories
Affixes and function words
Auxiliary verb + participle and affixes
Auxiliary verb + participle/infinitive and flections
Auxiliary verbs and affixes
Auxiliary verbs, affixes and function words
Function words
Tone alternations
Syncretic expression of several verb meanings
Aspect and tense
Aspect, tense, person, and number
Gender and number
Gender, person, and number
Person and number
Person and tense
Person, number and gender/ aspect and tense
Person, number, gender, aspect, tense, and modality
Person, number, gender, tense, aspect, and modality (mood)
Person, number, tense, aspect, and modality (mood)
Person, number, tense, aspect, voice, and modality (mood)
Tense and modality
Tense and modality, person and number
Tense and negation
Tense, aspect and modality
Tense, aspect, and modality (mood)
Tense, aspect, and polarity
Tense, aspect, modality, and polarity
Tense, person and number
Marking of person in present tense verbs
In singular and plural
In singular, dual and plural
Only in plural
Only in singular
Only third person singular
Transitivity marker
Affix and change of conjugation type
Affix and meaningful morphonological alternation
Affix and special type of agreement
Change of conjugation type
Change of conjugation type and reflexive pronoun
Function word
Morphonological alternation
Morphonological alternation and change of conjugation type
Special type of agreement
Deictic categories
Pronominal words
Pronominal adjectives
Pronominal adverbs
Pronominal adverbs and adjectives
Pronominal adverbs, adjectives and nouns
Pronominal nouns
Pronouns-nouns and pronouns-adjectives
Pronouns-nouns, pronouns-adjectives, pronominal adverbs, and pronominal numberals
Expression of deictic categories
Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns, and numerals
Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns, and prepositions
Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns, impersonal pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative and indefinite pronouns, pronominal adverbs, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns and adpositions
Demonstrative pronouns and adverbs
Demonstrative pronouns and articles
Demonstrative pronouns and nominal affixes
Demonstrative pronouns and particles
Demonstrative pronouns and postpositions
Demonstrative pronouns and prepositions
Demonstrative pronouns and preverbs
Demonstrative pronouns and pronominal adverbs
Demonstrative pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, articles, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, articles, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, pronominal adverbs, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, adverbs, pronominal adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, impersonal pronoun, adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, impersonal pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, impersonal pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, articles, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, impersonal pronouns, and adverbs
Demonstrative pronouns, postpositions and adverbs
Demonstrative pronouns, prepositions, and articles
Demonstrative pronouns, prepositions, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, pronominal adverbs, and particles
Demonstrative pronouns, pronominal adverbs, prepositions, and articles
Function words expressing spatial orientation of action
Adpositions and particles
Function nouns
Postpositions and function nouns
Prepositions and particles
Preverbs and postpositions
Content words expressing spatial orientation of action
Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives, pronouns, and adverbs
Pronouns and adverbs
Morphological expression of (in)definiteness
Definite/indefinite noun declension
Definite/indefinite verb conjugation
Different case affixes for definite and indefinite objects
Different case affixes for definite and indefinite objects and special verb form
Different case affixes for definite and indefinite objects and subjects, and definite/indefinite verb conjugation
Different cases for definite and indefinite objects
Noun affixes
Noun affixes and definite/indefinite verb conjugation
Special case form
Special form of class marker
Special verb form
Suffixed definite article
Words expressing (in)definiteness
Adjectives and numerals
Articles and adjectives
Articles and numerals
Articles and pronouns
Articles, adjectives, participles and numerals
Articles, prepositions, and pronouns
Articles, prepositions, pronouns and numerals
Articles, pronouns and numerals
Numerals and pronouns
Postpositions and pronouns
Postpositions, pronouns and numerals
Pronouns and adjectives
Pronouns, adjectives and numerals
Pronouns, numerals, and particles
Expression of politeness
In noun group, in verb group and in pronouns
In noun phrase
In noun phrase and in pronouns
In pronouns
In pronouns and syntactically
In verb group, in pronouns and syntactically
In verb phrase
In verb phrase and in pronouns
In verb phrase and in quasi-pronouns
Expression of negation
Negative adverbs and particles
Negative affixes
Negative affixes and predicatives
Negative affixes, particles and predicatives
Negative affixes, predicatives, particles and pronouns
Negative affixes, verbs and predicatives
Negative and prohibitive affixes
Negative and prohibitive affixes, negative particles
Negative copulae, verbs, negation adjectives
Negative particles
Negative particles and conjunctions
Negative particles and negative affixes
Negative particles and negative verbs
Negative particles and reduplication
Negative particles, affixes, and pronouns
Negative particles, affixes, pronouns, adverbs, and conjunctions
Negative particles, affixes, pronouns, adverbs, and verb
Negative particles, affixes, pronouns, and adverbs
Negative particles, affixes, pronouns, and conjunctions
Negative particles, negative pronouns and negative conjugation of verbs
Negative particles, negative verbs and caritive affixes
Negative particles, pronouns and adverbs
Negative particles, pronouns, adverbs, and conjunctions
Negative particles, pronouns, adverbs, and negative form of infinitive
Negative particles, pronouns, and verb
Negative pronouns and negative particles
Negative pronouns, negative adverbs and negative verbs
Negative verbs
Negative verbs and predicatives
Prohibitive and negative particles
Negation marker position
Framing and postposition
Framing and preposition
Framing, preposition and postposition
Incorporation and postposition
Incorporation and preposition
Incorporation, postpostion and preposition
Preposition and postposition
Parts of speech and inflection
Personal pronouns inflection
Case affixes of pronouns are the same as noun case affixes
Pronominal inflection type
Pronouns are not inflected
Article types
Definite and indefinite
Definite, indefinite and partitive
No articles
Only definite
Only indefinite
Indefinite article and numeral 'one'
Article place
Preposition and postposition
Position of article in noun phrase
Articles preceding each word
Single article preceding the phrase
Grammar categories of article
Case, gender and number
Definiteness and case
Definiteness and gender
Definiteness and number
Definiteness, case and gender
Definiteness, case, gender and number
Definiteness, gender and number
Number of conjugation types
Four types of conjugation
Nine types of conjugation
Single type of conjugation
Six types of conjugation
Ten types of conjugation
Three types of conjugation
Two types of conjugation
Verb agreement types
No verb agreement
Subject and object
Subject and subject-object
Agreement categories expressed in participle
Gender and number
Gender, number and case
Gender, number and definiteness
Number and case
Tense expressed by participle
Past and future
Present and past
Present, past and future
Present, present-future, future and past
Present-future and past
Present-past and future
Present-past, past and future
Adverb grammar categories
Degrees of comparison
Agreement categories expressed in adjective
Definiteness and case
Gender and number
Gender, number and case
Gender, number and definiteness
Gender, number and state
Gender, number, case and definiteness
Number and case
Person and number
Cumulative expression of several categories in adjective
Agreement class and state
Agreement class, number and case
Gender and definiteness
Gender and number
Gender, number and case
Number and case
Attribute agreement of adjectives
Always present
Only in postposition
Only in preposition
Attributive agreement types
In (in)definiteness
In (in)humanness
In (un)countability
In case
In case; In (in)definiteness
In class
In class; In number
In class; In number; In case
In gender
In gender; In number
In gender; In number; In (in)definiteness
In gender; In number; In case
In gender; In number; In case; In (in)definiteness
In gender; In number; In case; In (in)humanness
In gender; In number; In state
In number
In number; In (in)definiteness
In number; In case
In number; In case; In gender
In number; In case; In gender; In (in)definiteness
In number; In case; In gender; In (in)humanness
In number; In case; In gender; In (in)humanness; In (in)definiteness
In number; In gender; In (un)countability
In person
In person; In number; In case
In state
No attributive agreement
Inflectional categories of noun
(In)definiteness and number
(In)definiteness, number and izafat
(In)definiteness, number and state
Case, possessivity and number
Number and case
Number and state
Number, case, and (in)definiteness
Person, number, and case
Possessivity, (in)definiteness, and number
Cumulative expression of several categories in noun
Case and person of possessor
Definiteness and gender / agreement class
Gender / agreement class, number and case
Gender / agreement class, number, case and definiteness
Number and case
Number and definiteness
Number and gender / agreement class
Person and number
Person, number and case
Inflection means
Internal and external flection and affixes
Internal flection and affixes
Internal flection and tonal alternation
Internal flection, stem truncation/augmentation and affixes
Reduplication and affixes
Reduplication, internal flection and affixes
Stem truncation/augmentation and affixes
Word form model
Mainly or only infixal
Mainly or only prefixal
Mainly or only suffixal
Word formation
Word formation means
Ablaut, derivation, compounding and conversion
Affixation, conversion, compounding, abbreviation, reduplication, and clipping
Affixation, derivation, incorporation, reduplication, and analytic constructions
Conversion and compounding
Conversion, reduplication and compounding
Derivation and compounding
Derivation and conversion
Derivation and internal flection
Derivation and reduplication
Derivation, compounding and abbreviation
Derivation, compounding, conversion and abbreviation
Derivation, compounding, conversion and reduplication
Derivation, compounding, conversion, and clipping
Derivation, conversion and reduplication
Derivation, conversion, reduplication, compounding and abbreviation
Derivation, reduplication and compounding
Derivation affixes
Circumfixes, prefixes and suffixes
Infixes and suffixes
Infixes, prefixes and suffixes
Prefixes and suffixes
Prefixes, infixes, suffixes, postfixes and transfixes
Prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes
Prefixes, suffixes and postfixes
Prefixes, suffixes and transfixes
Prefixes, suffixes, and interfixes
Prefixes, suffixes, postfixes, and interfixes
Prefixes, suffixes, suprafixes and interfixes
Prefixes, suffixes, suprafixes, circumfixes and interfixes
Suffixes and circumfixes
Suffixes, prefixes, circumfixes and transfixes
Stems relations in stem compounding
Apposition and coordination
Apposition and subordination
Apposition, coordination and subordination
Coordination and subordination
Simple sentence
Morphosyntactic alignment
Accusative with elements of ergativity
Ergative with elements of accusative
Nominative and ergative
Word order fixedness
Relatively free
Dominant word order
Order of nouns and its modifier
Modifier follows noun
Modifier precedes noun
Not fixed
Preposition or postposition
Complex sentence
Clauses order in compound sentence
Main clause frames the subordinate clause
Main clause precedes subordinate clause
Not fixed
Subordinate clause precedes main clause
Dependent clause distinctions in complex sentences
Special form of predicate
Special form of subject
Special word order
Dependent clause predicate
Both finite and non-finite forms possible
Finite forms
Non-finite forms
Compound sentence types
Subordination and compounding
Subordination, compounding and clause chaining
Compound sentence syndesis and asyndeton
Asyndeton dominant
Both syndesis and asyndeton possible
Syndesis dominant