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Kpelle language

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PDFVolume 21. Mande languages
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MandeWesternSouthwestern Mande


Main country: Guinea (show on the map)



Phonemic structure

[A‑1] Number of degrees of vowel height Four [A‑1‑3]
[A‑2] Vowel height degrees Close, close-mid, open-mid and open [A‑2‑5]
[A‑3] Degrees of vowel backness Front, central and back [A‑3‑4]
[A‑4] Number of length degrees No length degrees [A‑4‑1]
[A‑5] Vowel opposition in labialization Present for front vowels [A‑5‑2]
[A‑6] Vowel opposition in nasalization Present for front, central and back vowels [A‑6‑4]
[A‑7] Vowel opposition in pharyngealization No vowel opposition in pharyngealization [A‑7‑1]
[A‑8] Vowel opposition in ATR No vowel opposition in ATR [A‑8‑1]
[A‑9] Diphthongs and triphthongs No diphthongs and triphthongs [A‑9‑1]
[A‑13] Inventory of obstruents by place of articulation Labial, coronal, dorsal and guttural [A‑13‑3]
[A‑14] Inventory of labial obstruents by place of articulation Bilabial and labiodental [A‑14‑2]
[A‑15] Inventory of coronal obstruents by place of articulation Dental [A‑15‑1]
[A‑16] Inventory of guttural obstruents by place of articulation Velar and labiovelar [A‑16‑4]
[A‑18] Additional articulatory oppositions of obstruents By labialization [A‑18‑2]
[A‑19] Inventory of sonorants by manner of articulation Nasal, liquid and glide [A‑19‑3]
[A‑20] Inventory of sonorants by place of articulation Labial, coronal, dorsal and guttural [A‑20‑17]
[A‑21] Additional articulatory oppositions of sonorants By labialization [A‑21‑4]

Prosodic phenomena

[B‑1] Stress character No stress [B‑1‑1]
[B‑6] Number of tone levels Two [B‑6‑1]
[B‑8] Tone carrier Syllable [B‑8‑1]
[B‑9] Length character Non-phonological [B‑9‑2]
[B‑10] Target of vowel harmony Foot [B‑10‑8]
[B‑11] Feature of vowel harmony Backness [B‑11‑2]
[B‑13] Other suprasegmental phenomena Nasalization [B‑13‑1]


[C‑1] Syllable onset Both null and non-null onset possible [C‑1‑5]
[C‑2] Syllable coda Only null coda possible [C‑2‑2]

Phonologic structure and phenomena

[D‑1] Restrictions on the phonemic structure of segment morphemes in the initial position Limited set of consonants possible [D‑1‑4]
[D‑2] Restrictions on the phonemic structure of segment morphemes in the final position Only vowels possible [D‑2‑2]
[D‑4] Differences between content and function words No differences [D‑4‑1]
[D‑6] Differences between roots and affixes No differences [D‑6‑1]

Morphological type of language

[E‑1] Type of language by type of morpheme combination in a word Agglutinative with some fusional features [E‑1‑2]
[E‑4] Type of language by degree of morpheme cohesion Analytic with elements of synthetism [E‑4‑3]

Nominal classifications

[F‑1] Number of agreement classes No agreement classes [F‑1‑1]
[F‑8] Opposition by person/non-person Lexical [F‑8‑1]
[F‑9] Expression of animacy/inanimacy Lexical [F‑9‑1]


[G‑1] Number in nouns Singular and plural [G‑1‑1]
[G‑2] Single number marking Unmarked [G‑2‑2]
[G‑3] Honorific forms in pronouns and verbs Absent [G‑3‑1]
[G‑4] Agreement in number No agreement in number [G‑4‑1]
[G‑5] Form of a noun in numeral phrases Singular [G‑5‑1]
[G‑6] Numeral system Decimal with elements of quinary [G‑6‑8]

Case meanings

[H‑1] Number of noun cases One-two [H‑1‑1]
[H‑2] Subject and object marking Function words [H‑2‑4]
[H‑6] Means of expressing spatial relations Noun affixes and postpositions [H‑6‑11]
[H‑8] Case marking of animate and inanimate nouns Same [H‑8‑1]
[H‑9] Secondary cases Absent [H‑9‑2]

Verbal categories

[I‑1] Voice forms expression Category of voice is absent [I‑1‑1]

Deictic categories

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Parts of speech and inflection

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Word formation

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Simple sentence

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Complex sentence

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Unfilled features

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Feature is not applicable to this language